
Escort Mk2 RS2000 Bonneville

A friend of mine from Switzerland is a huge Ford enthusiast. He inspired me to create this Bonneville Salt Flats race car, which is based on the Mk2 Escort RS2000 and could run in the Speed Week. The body has been altered to streamline it even more for higher speeds. Just imagine the body now sits on a tube frame chassis. This could be one wild ride. The engine? Well, your choice of any engine that fits under that bonnet, really. Go ahead, make it happen in real life!

VirtualModels Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 Bonneville

Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 Bonneville | photoshop chop © Sebastian Motsch (2012)

Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 reference picture

Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 | reference picture


  • […] 4×4Vipercharger R/TFerrari348 tbFIAT126 Turbo I.E.FordCustom RanchWagonEscort Mk2 RS2000 BonnevilleFiesta Mk2 Ghia RSFocus ST Mk2 2doorFocus ST Mk2 4doorFordson ET6 CustomGranada Mk2 V12Mustang […]

  • Hatta

    Why did the Ford company not design bib body Mk2?

  • Hatta

    Make Ford Escort very big scale, like another muscle car!

  • admin

    Hello Hatta,

    thanks for your nice comments! I appreciate it.


  • Would love to build this. One day maybe.

    • Sebastian Motsch

      Hello Martian,

      thanks so much. If you ever build it, please mention the source of your inspiration. Thanks!

      Kind regards

  • Of course Sebastian.

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