

Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 Bonneville | photoshop chop by Sebastian Motsch (2012)

Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 Bonneville

A friend of mine from Switzerland is a huge Ford enthusiast. He inspired me to create this Bonneville Salt Flats race car, which is based on the Mk2 Escort RS2000 and could run in the Speed Week. The body has been altered to streamline it even more for higher speeds. Just imagine the body now sits on a tube frame chassis. This could be one wild ride. The engine? Well, your choice of any engine that fits under that bonnet, really. Go ahead, make it happen in real life!

Ford Escort RS2000 Mk2 Bonneville | photoshop chop by Sebastian Motsch (2012)

Ford Granada Mk2 | photoshop chop by Sebastian Motsch (2011)

Ford Granada Mk2 V12

To be honest, the Mk2 Granada has never been one of my favorites – I’ve always preferred the Ford Granada Mk1. Yes, I do love cars with straight lines, but the Mk2 Granadas’ design is a little bit too dull. Nothing that couldn’t be fixed by altering a few pixels, hehe. The front grille is from an Escort RS2000, the bumpers are from a Jaguar XJ-S. Why did I do that? Well, quite easy to explain, actually: I had the Granada and XJ-S pictures next to each other on my desktop. By chance! Inspiration struck and a couple of minutes later the idea had been transformed into what you see here.

Ford Granada Mk2 | photoshop chop by Sebastian Motsch (2011)