BMW Isetta Dragster
It was a successful year for my photoshop blog VirtualModels: I created 44 photoshop chops in 2018. Many thanks to everybody for your support, encouraging words and great ideas for improvements.
I wish all of you a Happy New Year 2019!
Es war ein erfolgreiches Jahr für meinen Photoshop Blog VirtualModels: ich habe in 2018 44 Photoshop Chops angefertigt. Herzlichen Dank an alle für Eure Unterstützung, ermunternde Worte und großartige Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Ich wünsche Euch allen ein Frohes Neues Jahr 2019!
Herzliche Grüße and yours sincerely – Sebastian Motsch
Happy New Year to everybody! Frohes Neues!
The Messerschmidt Kabinenroller (or bubble car) is well known amongst small car enthusiasts. Cute as it is – I wouldn’t want to drive one of those on public roads. As the shape of the vehicle reminded me of more aquatic vehicles (and animals), I decided to take it down that direction. So, with just a few pixels moved around, we now have a nice little runabout I call KaRoJet. This could be fun and definitely has way more style than any other jet ski. The KaRoJet is based on a KR200 Kabinenroller and a regular jet ski. Now… somebody just needs to cough up some cash to build a real one! Now… would Willy Messerschmidt approve this or scream sacrilege?